Realmente �til para los que tienen mucha dificultad entrenamiento progresivo.


ya podemos decir que esta bailando salsa siga entrenando va por buen camino .


Ay�dese de la familia con la prima hermana amiga alguien. no importa la edad ni sexo esto

Lecci�n 4 CORTICO

Muy importante para bailar en pareja

Lecci�n 5 primer combo de Shines

Para que usted se luzca, Pocos bailan como dioses

Lecci�n 6 Combo 2
salsa shines.

No tiene que hacerlo igual usted ponga su salsa


Lecci�n 7 Combo 3 Shines pasos libres.

Trabajos de facilidad exteridad habilidad

Lecci�n 8 Parejas.
pasos fundamentales

Aqu� se define su futuro como bailar�n

Lecci�n 9 Parejas.
Casi bailando

Usted es un buen Autodidacta


Lecci�n 10 Combo 4.
Pasos libres

Felicitaciones usted esta en nivel Intermedio

Lecci�n 11 Pareja.
salsa social

Cortico, Cross, Randy, muy necesarios

Lecci�n 12 Parejas.
Titanic, Copa,

Curso intensivo



Lecci�n 13 Parejas.
vueltas interior inside

Estamos fuero del com�n denominador


Lecci�n 14 Shine.
Nivel Intermedio

Pruebe con salsa r�pida


Lecci�n 15 Bachata.
Pasos B�sicos

Si tambi�n ponen bachata en la fiesta.



Lecci�n 16 Bachata parejas.  la convinacion perfecta      

Igual practique con m�sica de bachata sensual


Lecci�n 17 Bachata.
Pasos libres 1

5 Shines combo


Lecci�n 18 Bachata.
Nivel Intermedio

Ahora a bailar ya sabe mas que miles.



Lecci�n 19 Salsa Nivel. Intermedio

La combinacion Perfecta


Lecci�n 20 Salsa.
Combinacion calle8

Si logras con m�sica r�pida eres avanzado


Lecci�n 21 Salsa combo 6 pasos libres.

Gracias por su entusiasmo



Lecci�n 22 Bachata. Urbana

El arte de Bailar


Lecci�n 23 Salsa Adv.

Puedes compartir estos v�deos gracias.


Lecci�n 24 Parejas.
Combinacion J

Suave con la chica no lesionarse



Lecci�n 25 Salsa Adv.

Hasta aqu� un campe�n, El mejor del Barrio


Lecci�n 26 Bachata.
As� bailan en Par�s

Combinaciones al infinito




Es hora de aprender a bailar salsa sin salir de casa y disfruta de la vida! Solo os pido regalarme un like suscr�bete a mi canal y comparte estos v�deos mil gracias.

Dos pies izquierdos?

Te da miedo hacer el rid�culo con solo intentarlo? Estos frustrado por no saber bailar? No ser buen bailar�n te ha dejado sin pareja?

Con Jumaqui aprender a bailar salsa no sera un problema Te presentamos clases de salsa por Internet v�deos Youtube que te guiara paso a paso para aprender a bailar salsa. te explicare detalladamente los pasos de salsa, desde lo mas b�sico hasta lo mas avanzado, GARANTIZAMOS TU APRENDIZAJE! Con Jumaqui aprender�s Pasos de salsa. B�sicos, intermedios y avanzados. Como guiar a tu pareja correctamente. Identificar los diferentes estilos de salsa. Corregir tu postura al bailar salsa. Los errores mas comunes que se cometen en la pista. Bailar como profesional.

Hola! Soy Jumaqui Mamani Artista Peruano Franc�s La salsa es mi vida, mi pasi�n mi forma de vida, yo creo que sin salsa mi vida no tiene sentido, exagero un poquito pero es fundamental que una persona pueda bailar, no solamente salsa sino otros g?generos Yo con mucho carino estoy poniendo todos mis conocimientos del genero salsa a sus manos gracias al Internet nos permite llegar a sus hogares y compartir esta riqueza de conocimientos, compartan estos v�deos Suscr�base a nuestro canal en Youtube y dele me gusta, comenta lo que piensa,esto nos motiva a seguir colgando v�deos Es momento de practicar desde tu casa o cualquier otro lugar y a la hora que quieras. Ahora es el momento de dar el primer paso, encuentra la mujer de tus suenos Conquistarla bailando y lucete como los grandes.

8 DE CADA 10 PREFIEREN HOMBRES QUE SEPAN BAILAR Movimientos de cadera, como evitar mareos en los giros, como recuperar el paso, adornos con brazos, equilibrio para los giros y muchos tips mas. COMIENZA A BAILAR HOY MISMO! Acceso ilimitado a todas las lecciones de salsa

Wedding Programs We know how important your Wedding Day is, and we can help you make it even more special! At Best of Times Dance Studios, For that first dance with your new spouse, or for memorable Father / Daughter and Mother / Son dances, you'll amaze your family and friends with your new-found skills, and enjoy a magical moment that will be with you for the rest of your lives! In just a short amount of time, our certified Dance Instructors can help you learn a few basic steps or, if you have more time, choreograph the whole dance with you! Whether you want just a few steps to get by, or are looking to create "YouTube-worthy" choreographed dances for the entire wedding party, we're here for you! This is also a great way to have fun and relax, before and after the Big Day. Enjoying time together while learning how to dance is a great hobby for any couple to share. Your first dance is such an everlasting expression of love and commitment. Contact us today, and give everyone at your wedding a dance to remember.

Te ensenamos a bailar VENGA A DIVERTIRSE APRENDIENDO BAILES SOCIALES DE PAREJA, salsa, bachata, enriquecer sus vueltas giros y convinaciones.
Our mission is to teach you how to dance, salsa, bachata, and more in fun and dynamic dance classes. Nuestra mision es ensenarte a bailar, salsa, bachata, tango, clases de baile divertidas y dinamicas. Te invitamos a entrar en el mundo sensual de la danza latina. Saludamos a los salseros y salseras de Miami y del resto del mundo. Compartimos la musica y el espiritu de America Latina. Estamos convencidos de que la salsa es uno de los generos musicales mas maravillosos, con su mezcla melodica multicultural de ritmos y letras. Que viva la Salsa !!! ..... Investigar, estudiar, ensenar y desarrollar salsa es nuestra mision y nuestra pasion. Permitanos compartirlo con usted! Espero bailar con vosotros!










About Us

Our mission is to teach you how to dance salsa, merengue, bachata and more in fun and dynamic dance classes. We invite you to enter into the sultry world of Latin dance. We salute the salseros and salseras of Miami and of the rest of the world.We share the music and the spirit of Latin America. We are convinced that Salsa is one of the most marvelous genres of music, with its multicultural melodic mix of rhythms and lyrics. Que viva la Salsa!!!


Con 1 o 2 instructores, por cada hora para una mejor asistencia pedagogica y un seguimiento perfecto a su ritmo ..Horarios para las clases privadas de Lunes a Domingo a cualquier hora del dia 24/7. Tel: Local: 305 269 0335 Jumaqui: 786 487 1992 Jumaqui



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SALSA BACHATA DanceInstructorsJobs - Apply Thedance teamis alwayslookingfor new talents to learn & teach. BEST OF TIMES PerformanceTeamsMIAMI.


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Address: 6255 Sw 8 St Miami 33144   Email:    Phone: 786 487 1992     Form CONTACT FORM..>>>



SALSA DANCE SCHOOL INC. Miami Educational Training Institute (Business license and insurance; Dance studio).... 2017; Ilustraciones y Fotografia de JumaquI Mamani.  All Rights Reserved  Copyright 2017 BEST OF TIMES DANCE ACADEMY - All rights reserved. SALSA - ART INC. Miami Educational Training Institute (Business license and insurance;Dance studio)
Webmaster Jumaqui Mamani


Completa Encuestas Por Dinero - Spanish Version Of Takesurveysforcash
La Versión En Inglés Llegó Al Puesto #1 En Encuentas Pagas, Hay Una Gran Oportunidad Para Compra De Medios Y Promociones En El Mercado Hispano. ¡no Te La Pierdas!

videos-salsa-merengue-bachataTutorial Information:   Practice is very important when learning any new skill. When you first st Salsa dancing, you�ll probably feel a bit clumsy. Don�t worry. Once you�ve practiced more regularly you�ll st to feel more natural. In this video, Dance instructor Amy Weisman from Salsa- gives you some tips to get you up and moving. Enjoy!   Total Shared : 10 Videos Tags : How to Pace Your Dance Practice, dance, dance practice, how to videos, how to, latin dance, Amy Weisman De Mamani


Tutorial Information:  Ever fancied learning to Salsa dance? Well, here�s your chance. In this video, Dance instructor Amy Weisman from Salsa- demonstrates four basic Salsa steps.   Total Shared : 10 Videos Tags : How To Do Basic Salsa Steps, salsa, salsa steps, dance, dancing, how to videos, how to, LATIN DANCE, Amy Weisman De Mamani, tvlesson


Tutorial Information:  When dancing, wearing the correct dance shoes is vital. Looks are not as important as comfort. Getting the correct fit can mean the difference between the performance of a lifetime at a dinner dance, and loosing your shoe into somebody�s soup. Dance instructor Amy Weisman from Salsa- gives you some tips to make sure you choose the correct shoe.   Total Shared : 10 Videos Tags : How to Pick Good Dance Shoes, pick dance shoes, dance shoes, shoes, salsa , how to videos, how to, LATIN DANCE


Tutorial Information:  Basic Salsa shines � a demonstration of the crossover basics. A crossover move is some of the basic moves in salsa dancing. Watch this video and become a pro!   Total Shared : 10 Videos Tags : How To Do Basic Salsa Shines, salsa, basic salsa, salsa shines, dance, dancing, how to videos, how to, LATIN DANCE, Amy Weisman De Mamani


Tutorial Information:  Can you project confidence when you are dancing? Amy Weisman gives you some tips to �fake it till you make it�, to help lift you up when you are feeling clumsy or unsure of yourself. Follow these tips, and you�ll look like a pro, even if you are feeling anything but.   Total Shared : 10 Videos Tags : How to Dance With Confidence, dance, confidence, dancing, how to videos, how to, LATIN DANCE



Tutorial Information:Merengue is a very simple, energetic rhythm that�s a lot of fun to dance to. Dance instructor Amy Weisman from Salsa- demonstrates some basic Merengue steps. Total Shared : 10 Videos Tags : How to Dance Merengue, merengue, dance, dancing, how to videos, how to, LATIN DANCE, Amy Weisman De Mamani

"Hi, I'm Amy Weisman de Mamani, a dance instructor with In this clip, I'm going to show you how to dance the Merengue. You'll need a space to dance in. You'll need a partner. You'll need comfortable shoes to dance in. Merengue is a very popular, energetic style of music and dance. The name, Merengue, actually refers to a dessert by the same name that's made primarily of egg whites and sugar and it's internationally now one of the most popular Latin rhythms that you'll hear in dance clubs around the world. Famous Merengue singers and bands include Los Toros Band, Olga Tanon, and Alex Bueno and it's sweeping the country because it is so fun and easy to learn. To dance Merengue, you basically step on every beat of the music on the down beats and it looks like this. You're going to be shifting your weight from one foot to the other. One, two, three four, five, six, seven, eight. To begin dancing, Merengue, you place your weight on the opposite foot and, again, you begin stepping. I'm going to show that again and I'm demonstrating in leaders or gentleman's timing. So, for followers, remember when you do this, you're going to start with your right foot. Let's demonstrate that once again. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight. This is Amy Weisman de Mamani. Thank you very much for watching."



Tutorial Information:When dancing Salsa, you need to dress in functional and appropriate clothing. Whether you�re performing at a dance class or at a formal show, your clothing can make or break you. Nothing looks worse than a dancer who is constantly fiddling with straps or adjusting clothing, so choose the right outfit to maximize your self-confidence. Here are some tips to get you thinking about what you�d like to wear. Total Shared : 10 Videos Tags : Dress,  salsa, merengue, bachata



Tutorial Information:Bechata is a beautiful, sensual kind of dance, which originated in rural areas. Dance instructor Amy Weisman from Salsa- demonstrates some basic Batchta steps. Total Shared : 10 Videos Tags : How to Dance Bachata, bachata, rhythm, dance, dancing, how to videos, how to, LATIN DANCE, Amy Weisman De Mamani

Video Transcript

"Hi, I am Amy Weisman de Mamani, a dance instructor with So, let's talk a little bit about Bachata Dance Steps. First, let me introduce you to the style of music and dance called Bachata. The term, Bachata, was actually originally used to refer to an informal party and now it's most widely used to refer to a dance genre that originated in the Dominican Republic and was made popular by early Bachata hits that came out in the early sixties. Jose Manuel Calderon was credited with the first Bachata hits, including "Borracho de Amor," and several hundreds of thousands of hits were released following that. It's a very sensual, beautiful music to listen to and to dance. And you'll notice in the themes of Bachata songs, they're often about unrequited love, romance, heartbreak and the like. It's popular for many reasons, one of which it's very sensual and very beautiful, but it's also a very easy rhythm to hear and to dance. When one dances Bachata, they basically step three steps and then lift on the fourth beat of the music and then repeat that to the other side. You can do it from front to back and side and side. And it's popular, again, because it's very esthetically pleasing to hear and to dance and it's also easy to do. So, it's becoming more and more popular around the world. Another thing about Bachata is you can dance it at a really basic, simple level by dancing front to back and side to side, but you're also seeing more and more around the world that people are stepping it up a notch and dancing Bachata at the level that often accomplished Salsa dancers and Tango dancers and other styles of dance use. So, Bachata is really moving up in the dance scene in terms of how complicated dancers are treating it."




Tutorial Information:Cumbia is a style of music that originated from the Carribean coast of Colombia. Originally a courtship dance among the slave population, it is an exciting and dynamic style of dancing. In this video, Dance instructor Amy Weisman from Salsa- demonstrates some basic Cumbia steps. Total Shared : 10 Videos Tags : How to Dance Cumbia, dance, courtship dance, dancing, cumbia, how to videos, how to, LATIN DANCE, Amy Weisman De Mamani

Video Transcript

"Hi, I'm Amy Weisman de Mamani, a dance instructor with Let's talk a little bit about easy steps for Cumbia dance. First let me introduce this musical genre in style. It refers to a dance and music by the same name and it originated on the Caribbean coast of Columbia. It's really interesting how it began as a courtship dance among the slave population and even today you hear lots of themes in Cumbia songs about freedom and slavery. These refer also to Columbia's desire for independence from Spain and so you see elements of this in the dance. When people are dancing, Cumbia, you'll see a lot of slave steps where one is dragging pivoting one foot around the other as if one leg contained a chain and you'll hear it in the lyrics. You'll hear lots of discussion for desire for freedom and the like. But it's a very easy rhythm to hear and to dance and basically when dancing the Cumbia, we dance, a basic step takes place on eight beat of music, but we dance six of those beats and we pause on two beats. So, Cumbia steps can take place from side to side, from front to back, in a circle. What's important to remember is that we are always dancing on the first three beats. We pause on the fourth beat. We repeat to the other side, dance three beats and pause on the fourth beat. And generally, in Cumbia and in most of Latin dances, females will start with their right foot and gentlemen or leaders will start with their left."